Friday, March 11, 2011

This is my second set of Tumblers that I have made. These two are made of porcelain.
They are glazed with Ice Blue Celadon. They have no design on them, but next week I will be adding a design to them. It will be something that is a little bit long and that flows from the inside to the outside, like leafs or flowers. I'm not sure yet what design I want to put on it. The way we will add the image to it, is through image transfering.
The most challenging part of making these two tumblers, was the porcelain. The reason why, is because porcelain seems very sensitive, and you really have to take your time with it. The reason why it was challenging, is because I tried to put it all together at once, while it wasn't fully  solid. I tried to smooth the lines where they connect, and I tried to add the bottoms to it. But then I realized that I just had to let it sit for a day and let it become solid a bit.
The thing that I disliked, was how soft and sensitive the porcelain was, I thought I was going to be able to be in charge of the clay, but then I realized that the porcelain was in charge, and that it was all going to be done on the porcelains time, and not on my time.
The part that I like the most about this piece, is the glaze, I really like the color of the glaze. I am excited to see how it looks with the image transfer on it!

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