Friday, March 11, 2011

This is my third set of cups with a tray. My set of cups is modeled after Lynda Ladwig. Lynda makes thin cups, and I am making thin cups as well.
My set of cups includes a tray, and four cups, my cups are fve in. tall. They are glazed with satin white glaze. For this set of cups, originally I had only three cups, but Lisa said that my tray would look better with four cups. As you can tell the second cup on the left is a lighter color than the other cups. The reason why, is because that cup was fired at a different temperature, that it made it look like a light brown cramy color. Also, the two cups that are at each end, are taller than the ones in the middle, that is because they where made at different times and they dried differently.
If I could change something about this project, I would have asked someone eithre a student or the teacher, weather I should have added a fourth cup on not. That way they could all have been fired at the same temperature, and there wouldnt be one that doesnt look like it fits in, because it has a different color.
The thing that I like about this project, is that this set does not include alot of cups, and I think it looks really nice with just four cups. I feel good about this piece!
The thing that I learned about creating this piece, is that after working of projects that are similare to this one, it is easy to make it afrer you have had the proper training.

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